Cat Breeds The Sphynx Cat
One of the most unusual breed of cats, and also considered a fairly rare breed, is the Sphynx Cat. It is also known as the Canadian Hairless. This cat’s ‘hairlessness’ is based on a natural genetic mutation that has been nurtured by selective breeding. Even with all the selective breeding it is still considered a very stable cat breed. This breed of cat is generally genetically sound and healthy with few health problems. They have a medium-long body and are of an average weight.
Basically the Sphynx Cat looks like a bald cat with no hair, but it is not always totally hairless. Sometimes they can be covered with a very fine soft down-like fur that is almost imperceptible to the human eye and touch. It is like the soft texture of chamois leather and the pattern on the cat is the color a normal cat’s regular fur-coat would be. The skin can be quite warm to the touch due to its lack of coat. They may typically have short, soft, fine hair on their ears, muzzle, tail and feet. They may also have whiskers and eyebrows, but these can be absent as well. The eyes and ears of this cat often appear over-large for their head size, but they generally have a pleasant expression on their face.
These cats are usually described as quite intelligent. They are often extroverted and love to be the center of attention. Like some people they can be very affectionate or not. Some are very inquisitive, energetic and mischievous. They get along well with other animals in the household.
Be Aware Of The Temperature For Them
Because of their lack of hair, these cats can become cold. The rule is that if it is too cold for you, then it will be too cold for this cat. When cold, they do however, tend to curl up with a human companion or other animal friend, or possibly will curl up under a blanket.
These type of cats do not have the hair most cats have and do not need brushing. But they do secrete an oil from their skin. This results in them having to be bathed frequently. If they are acclimatized to baths from kitten-hood this should not present a problem. The Sphynx cat’s ears also need regular weekly cleaning.
If you are thinking of getting this breed for a pet, be aware that these are a rare breed. They are generally not easily procured. Specific breeders of Sphynx cats generally have a long waiting list for this type of cat.
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