Friday, August 5, 2016

Houses For Cat And Birds Are Houses For Pets Necessary?

Cat and Bird Houses
 Cat Houses:  If you have a cat that is allowed outdoors, it may be a nice idea to supply a little cat house for your pet. The cat house should be a small affair placed near the outside exit/entrance that your cat commonly uses.  Cats also prefer if their house is elevated because they like to feel to be safely out of harm’s way and be able to view everything around them.  Face their little house away from your house so that they have a good lookout.
If your cat is one that remains indoors, you can also supply a little cat house for them somewhere inside your house.  Cats loved enclosed spaces.  They feel cuddled and secure.  Make it nest-like with a soft warm blanket that your cat can cuddle in. Also elevate the cat house so that they have to climb to get to it.  Again, cats love to look out around and above things.

Bird Houses: They Are A Must

A house for your  pet bird is of utmost importance.  Be sure to consult with your pet store or veterinarian for the best type of house (or cage) for the breed of bird you have.  You need to be sure the cage is neither too big nor too small for it.  Some birds like to have a large area where they can fly around, like canaries or finches for example.  Other birds, like a parrot may need a larger cage, but not for flying around in—simply because they are larger birds.  And make sure any coating on the cage wire will not be harmful to your pet.  Realize that they will be constantly chewing on this material. 
It is a good idea to have various levels of perches so that your bird can utilize the total space in the cage.   The price ranges can vary vastly too, so it pays to shop around.
Bird toys inside the cage are a must.  Your bird needs to be kept busy and occupied to be psychologically healthy.  Keep various toys scattered about the cage, and change them from time to time. 
It is a good idea to paper the bottom of the cage with newspaper to catch the bird ‘poop’.  You then just need to change the paper (frequently) to keep your bird’s quarters clean. 

Proper Food And Water Along With Ventilation A Must

Place your bird’s cage in a well ventilated area, but out of drafts and away from the cold.  A nice sunny spot will suit your bird well. Most birds like it if their cage is covered with a light cloth for night sleeping.
Make sure to always have fresh food and water available in your bird’s cage.  Be cautious that the food tray has food in it because some very active birds can starve very easily.  It can be deceiving when the food’s husks are in the food tray and it appears full—you may think they have lots of food when all that is in there is grain husks. 

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