Other Pets Like Hamsters & Bunnies
There are other types of pets that may be better than the traditional ones like dogs and cats. These can include small well-known pets such as mice, hamsters or fish. They can also include more exotic pets like snakes, lizards or even monkeys. The type of pet that may be right for you is strictly a personal choice. There are many types of pets you may want to consider.
The most common type of Hamster that is kept as a pet today is the Syrian Hamster. Although there are other varieties, different varieties do not get along together. Even the Syrian Hamster is better to keep one Hamster buy itself in a cage. Sometimes having more than one will cause fighting.
Hamsters can have varying personalities and it is best to avoid ones that are quiet or lethargic. When choosing a Hamster, choose one that is bright and alert. This may be difficult to do as Hamsters are nocturnal creatures, which can tend to nip when woken. Try to pick your pet Hamster in the evening, if possible.
Hamsters can be good pets and they often can be cuddly when handled. They are fun to watch in their mazes, and exercise wheels. It can also be fun to purchase the paraphernalia that goes along with owning a Hamster. Such as little Hamster cars and roller balls, a variety of tubes and housing, or little Hamster nests or burrows.
When choosing a Hamster for a pet, be aware that Hamsters need lots of exercise so purchase a running wheel. Hamsters are kept in a secure habitat, in cages or aquariums where they cannot escape. They can be let to run around occasionally, but you must keep a good eye on them when loose.
Rabbits and Bunnies
Rabbits are increasing in popularity as house pets. Generally rabbits are kept outside in rabbit hutches. They are now believed to be able to be litter trained as inside house pets. Rabbits range can range in weight from about 2 to 18 lbs. or more, depending on the breed. There are many types of rabbits (currently 45 recognized breeds) and they come in all sizes and colors.
Rabbits are considered the ideal “Condominium Pet” because they are clean, quiet and fairly easy to care for. They can be trained to use a litter box. You can usually find rabbits for sale in many pet stores, with the dwarf bunnies outnumbering the other types.
There is nothing cuter than a baby bunny as a pet. Smaller breeds of rabbits, however, do not make good pets for young children as they are fairly fragile. Larger rabbit breeds are better for younger children because they are hardier and their bones will not break as easily. Rabbits can, however, have sharp nails and may bite occasionally.
As mentioned before, there are many other types of pets that you may choose for your family. You could have a horse for a pet if you live on a farm, or board your horse elsewhere. You could have a chicken as a pet, or a skunk, or many other types of animals. I do not recommend, that you ever take any wild animal to have as a pet. Exotic animals like monkeys or tiger cubs, although cute, should not be taken into your home as a pet.