Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Smelly Cat Litter Boxes

Smelly Cat Litter Boxes

Smelly litter boxes can have a very bad smell. There is nothing worse for cats or cat owners.

For many people, the litter box is the worst of part of owning a cat.  This is something people dread to clean.  It is because it is a dirty and dusty job.  Those who have to clean it find themselves more susceptible to cat diseases that can be there.  Sure, it’s a dirty job but it doesn’t have to be too hard.

Many new litter boxes are being designed to make the job easier.  The hooded litter box can give privacy to cats that are more sensitive and they also keep dust down.  They are good for a single cat owner as long as they are cleaned regularly.  People who do not want to handle the litter can use changeable liners for these boxes.  They lift out the whole liner and throw it out.  Just put in a new liner and add fresh litter to it.

Self-Cleaning Boxes

Another option is the self-cleaning box.  These are idea for people that have lots of cats.  They can be a good choice for anyone who doesn’t like to deal with it.  A rake removes the soiled litter into a removable receptacle which leaves the box clean.  All you need to do is to discard the contents of the receptacle right into the trash.

You can teach your kitten to use the litter box; all you need to do is put it in the right place and keep it clean.  Don’t place it next to where the cat sleeps or near his food.

You’ll need to show him what the box is used for.  To do this, place the cat in the box and rake your fingers through the litter.  The cat may start using the box right away. If he just wants out, play with him a few minutes and then put him back in.  Repeat this several times but don’t push it.  You don’t want to make him frustrated.

When to use the Box?

About ten to fifteen minutes after your cat eats, put him back into the litter box.  Petting them for doing so helps them to remember.  When he is napping, make sure that you can take him to the litter box after they wake up.

Most cats will respond better to praise than to scolding.  If they become angry or frustrated, you will not accomplish anything.  Put the litter box where they have had accidents and put it there.
A cat may stop using his litter box if you don’t keep it clean.  They will use the litter box once they have done so several times, but you need to keep it clean.  Dirty litter boxes can lead to health problems so make sure to keep it clean.

These are some quick and easy tips to keeping your cat's litter box clean. If you use them your cat will be

Friday, January 12, 2018

Toys - Your Cat’s Best Friends Or Foes?

When you go to the market to get toys for your cats, you will be surprised to see that there is a wide range of toys available and you can pick any. 

However, you may get a little confused because cats are just like children. They might like the toys and play with them for a long time or they just do not like them at all.

Some of the toys which they can play with include stuffed mice, cat towers, stuffed animals, and ribbons, small amount of catnip and plastic balls. You can see that kittens at an early age become capable of picking up things from the floor.

Cat towers can be one of the best toys and you can use them to teach them how to climb. This is also the best way to keep them away from furniture and curtains. You can find various styles of cat towers which they can use to play and sleep. The cat will scratch a cat tower rather than your couch.
You can also give your cat stuffed mice which they can have a great time with. Cats have their own preferences and choice as some of them like small leather mice while others like multi colored fur and long tails.

One of the popular cat toys is catnip toy. This is the best way to make your cat comfortable and sleep for a while. However, you must be aware of the fact that giving too much catnip will change the behavior of your cat. They will start having mood swings and become dependent on them.

Have a cat in your house, you will notice that there are various things your cat will like to play with such as plastics, stuffed animals, paper and even your blankets. They have their own ways to have fun and enjoy. You will be very happy to see them playing and enjoying their own world.
You can also give them old toys from your kid’s collections and observe what she likes.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Cat Dental Health & Tooth Care : Cat Diets That Promote Healthy Teeth

Once the fractured area of the tooth breaks off, the pain will go away. Although the exposed dentin may cause you some pain, you can visit the dentist and have it repaired. If the fracture is large, you may need to have a crown placed on the tooth to prevent further fractures from occurring in that tooth. 
Gingivitis is known as inflammation in the tissues of the gums. If plaque and tartar build up along the gum line, the gums will eventually get swollen and irritated. Over time, the gums will get very tender and start to appear puffy. When you brush your teeth, you ll notice that your gums have become very sore and they will start to bleed with little to no pressure. 
After the removal of your wisdom teeth, your dentist will go over what you need to do to ensure the proper healing of your gums and mouth. Normally, he will give you information to go over, to make sure that you experience no problems in the healing process. Someone will need to be with you for the first 24 hours, to make sure that you ok. 
If a tooth that has abscessed is extracted once the infection is still present, it can quickly spread. Your dentist will instead prescribe you some antibiotics that can help to destroy the bacteria. The dentist can also perform a root canal, in an attempt to remove dead or decayed tissue. Last but not least, he can also drill a hole in the tooth to give the infection a chance to drain and try to remove any dead pulp. 
You can also use moist tissue to hold the tooth in place, until you can get to a dentist. If you ve got a fractured tooth, the treatment will all depend upon how bad the booth has been fractured. No matter how light the fracture may be, it is very important that you get to a dentist as soon as you can. 
Once the medicine has taken effect, you normally won t feel anything or remember it. Laughing gas and IV sedation can put your mind at ease, so you won t be uncomfortable during your surgery or extractions. Although dental pain is something that many fear, it isn t near as bad as they may think. Most of the fear stems from not knowing, or thinking that it will hurt more than it actually does. 

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Looking For The Right Dog Collar

Looking for the right dog collar? Have you been shopping and shopping for just the right dog tag. Without finding what you’re looking for to suit your dog’s personality.

Do you like the look and solid feel of stainless steel, brass, or aluminum? Or perhaps you are not picky, and just need a plastic tag. Plastic won’t last quite as long, but they are inexpensive and easily replaceable. A metal or plastic dog tag shouldn’t cost more than $40 in most cases, and in many cases they cost under $10. You can have all of your dog’s ID information imprinted in the surface of any metal or plastic dog tag.

Some dog tags are jeweled. You can sometimes choose an exact pattern that you wish the design to be in. If you want the shape of a cursive “R” for Rex, and you want it done in rhinestone, you can find someone to do that. Some retailers will offer a more limited array of options, but you can still usually choose from two or three types of embedded stones.

When it comes to really high-end dog tags, such as sapphire, real silver, gold, or diamond, there tend to be more choices. This is because you will be paying many hundreds, or even thousands of dollars for the material itself, so it’s worth it for the retailer to give you as many options as you like.

You also must choose the material and style of the dog tag collar or necklace. There are leather, nylon, rubber, and so on, on the lower financial end; and silk or silver chains on the higher end. Choose a collar or necklace that compliments whatever dog tag you go with. Just make sure your dog is comfortable with it.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Cats And Ring Worm

Cat with ringworm  Ringworm is a very common form of skin disease that is found in both dogs and cats.  Although its name makes you think otherwise, this skin disease isn’t caused by any type of worm.  It’s actually caused by fungi known as Dermatophytes that feed on dead tissues found in the surface of the skin, spreading them around the skin of the animal.

With cats, there is a certain type of fungi known as M Canis that is found with nearly 95% of all ringworm cases.  Normally, cats will get the ringworm disease from contaminated objects like bedding, clippers, or another animal that already has the disease.  If there are animals in your home or around your house that have the ringworm disease, your cat could very easily contract it this way.

If you have kittens or cats that are under a year old in your home, you should always use precaution, as they are more susceptible to ringworm.  Kittens can easily contract the disease, especially if you allow them to go outside.  They can easily come in contact with a contaminated object or another cat that has the disease.  Kittens take a long time to build their immune system up, and in the meantime they are more apt to get common disease such as ringworm.

The most common symptoms of ringworm in cats are rough or broken hairs, or hair loss around the head or the paws.  Ringworm can easily be identified by a patch of scaly skin on the body that appears itchy and inflamed.  There will also be broken hairs around the patch of scaly skin.  This area is very sensitive, and you should never try to touch it, as it will hurt your cat.

If you notice any of the above symptoms with your pet, you should immediately schedule an appointment with your vet.  If the vet diagnosis your cat with ringworm, he may prescribe ointment or tablets.  What he describes however, will determine on how serious the ringworm is.  If he prescribes tablets to your cat, you should give them with meals.  Ointment on the other hand, is normally spread into the coat, topically.  You should always use what your vet prescribes on a daily basis, to ensure that your cat heals.  The healing process will take time, normally around six weeks or more.

Cats that have ringworm should be labeled as infectious.  If you have children in the house, you should keep them away from your pet. Whenever you handle your cat, you should always use gloves.  Ringworms are contagious, and you should always use caution.  Even though it’s a mild disease, ringworm can result in serious problems due to the slow recovery time and the fact that it’s contagious.

Monday, June 26, 2017

A Healthy Cat Knows What Tastes Good

As all cat owners know, a feline can be a wonderful addition to any
family. One of the most basic aspects of cat ownership is proper health
care for the cat. Health care for a cat encompasses a wide array of
vaccine shots, flea protection, vet visits, medications, and even proper

However, the most important aspect of cat health is also often
overlooked. People spend hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars over the
lifetime of a cat to keep it healthy, but most cat owners don’t pay
nearly enough attention to the proper cat food.

The right cat food is absolutely essential to a healthy, happy cat.

But what is the best cat food for your cat? While each cat will have
slightly different nutritional needs, there are some general rules that
must be considered when looking for cat food.

First of all, cats (like their human owners) need a high quality diet.
This means the best types of protein, fats, carbs, and the less
preservatives and chemical additives, the better. Most of the research
available online does not compare specific brands of cat food, as much as
specific ingredients to feed your cat, and which to stay away from!

Cats need a high protein diet. Wild cats are very carnivorous, and cats
derive a great deal of their nutritional needs from protein. House
cats, while not wild, still have many of the same nutritional needs as
their wild feline ancestors. So, the most important ingredient in any cat
food is protein.

Carbohydrates are also an important part of a cat's diet, though not as
important as protein. Cats really should derive the majority of their
nutritional needs from protein, so cat foods that are high in
carbohydrates may not necessarily be the best for them.

Interestingly enough, many of the premium brands of cat food, such as
Eukanuba and Innova offer exactly what most cats need, and aren’t
necessarily more expensive in the long run. This is because high end cat
foods need a smaller serving amount than the low end cat foods to give a
cat all the nutrients they need to be satisfied and healthy.

When comparing a premium brand such as Eukanuba, to a lower cost brand
such as Purina, the cost difference for the recommended serving size is
only a nickel a day. Furthermore, because a cat will eat less of the
high end cat food, their waste will be reduced. This can cut down on the
frequency of litter replacement and litter box related chores.

Another aspect of cat food to be considered is the quality of the
protein in the food. Because of the way many pet food companies describe the
meat in the food, it can be difficult to figure out exactly what the
difference between “chicken flavored”, and “chicken dinner” is.

Food that contains “chicken meal” can only be made from the skin,
flesh, and bones only. This is really the best type of protein for a cat.
Food that has “meat byproducts” can contain nearly any animal parts, and
are of lower quality than “chicken meal”. Food that is “chicken
flavored” only has to taste like chicken, but may not contain any animal meat
at all. Also, chicken is generally better than beef for cats.

And it goes without saying, preservatives, as well as artificial
colors, should be avoided whenever possible. Although specific research is
lacking on this subject, we do know that preservatives and artificial
colors can have a negative impact on human health. It is only logical that
cats will also be negatively affected by artificial colors and
preservatives in their cat food.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

3 Easy To Teach Dog Tricks

To teach your dog tricks, even easy ones you need to have some small reward treats. Be in a quiet suitable place and keep the training sessions to 10 - 15 minutes or your dog will start to get bored. Remember when he gets something right lots of praise and a reward treat. Be careful not to get him over excited or he will lose concentration.

Getting your dog to give you his paw, first get your dog to sit, then as you say the word 'paw' take your dogs paw in your hand, give the dog a treat, repeat this, after a few times do not take his paw so quickly, say the word, count to one then take it, you should notice he is bringing his paw up as you say the word if he does not go back to saying it at the same time, do it a few more times then slow your response again. After 2 or 3 sessions most dogs pick this one up quite happily.

The high five, like a lot of tricks the high five is a progression of an earlier trick, in this cast the paw trick. Hold a treat in your fingers and raise your hand slightly higher than you would for the paw trick. You dog will think you want to do the paw trick and will reach for the treat with his paw as we taught him earlier, as he reaches up you say “high five” and give him the treat. Once your dog has mastered the paw trick this one should be very easy to learn and with just a few sessions he will be doing it on hand signal rather than voice control.

Getting your dog to jump through a hoop, before you start this one I would just like to ask you to be a little sensible and not hold the hoop too high as you do not want your dog to hurt himself while doing the trick. Sit your dog on one side of a hoola hoop, get the dogs attention on your hand on the other side of the hoop take a treat in your hand and give the dog the command to release him from the sit, at first he may attempt to go around or under the hoop, if this happens start again, your dog wants the treat and will soon learn that going around or under does not get it so he will soon start going through it, when he does say hoopla and give him the treat. He will soon be jumping through the hoop on the command of hoopla. When I started doing this trick I had a medium sized dog (a Labrador) so I started with the hoop 6 inches from the ground and slowly raised it to waist height, if you have a smaller dog you might want to start with the hoop touching the ground so the dog just goes through the hoop and then slowly raise it as he gets used to the trick.

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